Horizontal Directional Drilling

About horizontal drilling

Directional Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) - new but rapidly developing trenchless pipe laying construction technology. HDD is applied in trenchless construction methods and infrastructure pipe constructions with minimum transmission in excavation works or during excavation works (eg during launch and construction of pits). The distinctive feature of the HDD method is the ability to overcome various underground obstacles, and a controllability of soil drilling done both vertically and horizontally, which allows the profile to construct the pipeline in the desired way. The use of the HDD method is carried out in the city streets, on highways, on railways, on the basis of existing communication, buildings and structures, and without damaging and damaging them. In general, the HDD method reduces the cost and accelerates the construction, creating infrastructure under water and other barriers. If sewage pipes, water and gas supply lines, electrical cables and other utilities are to be installed in urban areas, the use of the traditional excavation method will be much more expensive and in some cases impossible. 

The first directional horizontal drilling application in history was made in 1972 under the Pajero river near Wotsonville, California, United States. The 180-meter long pass that will carry high-pressure gas was carried out by Titan Contractor (1965) under the leadership of Martin Cherrington.. 

This project has also been the birth of "Directional Horizontal Direct Drilling System". 

70-80% trenchless technology is used in the infrastructure correction and creation works in the leading international application. The application of trenchless methods can solve the problems of local infrastructure (laying trenchless pipes under roads and other obstacles) nowadays. The HDD method is indispensable in numerous cases: built-in city streets, green parkland, roads and water bodies under the barrier-free infrastructure.


Phase 3 of horizontal drilling


With the help of the probe from the HDD machine to the pipe side, a guide hole is created on the specified route. Through this probe inserted into the inside of the directional head, many data such as depth, direction, direction and angle can be taken. Drill bits designed for soft or hard surfaces are used in the opening of the guide hole. Flexibility thanks to the flexibility of the rods sent from the machine to the desired direction and depth


Enlargement of the opening guide hole with the expansion heads is started to accommodate the diameter of the pipe to be laid. The hole is stabilized by using environmentally friendly chemicals to dispose of the excavated soil and to prevent the hole being opened. graded magnification according to the diameter of the pipe to be laid under the ground


After completing the required magnification, the pipe expansion head to be pulled is connected and the expansion head is rotated and pulled towards the machine. In order to prevent the pipe from turning, a special device is installed between the pipe and the expansion head. To make it easier to pull the pipe and close the remaining gap, the hole is injected with environmentally friendly chemicals.